Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can you give me any tips on coaching basketball for 5 and 6 year olds?

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by Myxi

Question by Shredder:

Can you give me any tips on coaching basketball for 5 and 6 year olds?

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Does anyone have any experience in coaching kindergarten basketball? I am coaching a team at the Y and the first practice was a disaster.
What are some very basic drills to teach?
How should I organize the practice?
How can I keep them interested during practice?
Any general tips you have for me?

Keep in mind that these kids have short attention spans and that it's very difficult to explain things in a vernacular they can understand

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Answer by Word Nerd
Start with lots of running and exercise. Reward kids who put out good effort.

At that age, it may not be that fun, but it has to be a lot of fundamental drilling. Passing, dribbling, defensive movement. They can probably barely get the ball to basket anyway.

Take a little gas out of their tank and they may pay attention.

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