Monday, May 16, 2011

by MuJa K

Question by Dude:

How many animals did Noah bring with him on the ark?

Is it correct that he brought 7 pairs of clean animals and 1 pair of unclean animals? If not, how many of each animal did he bring aboard? What is the difference between a clean animal and an unclean animal?

Best answer:

Answer by LouisWu
Regarding the Noah myth:
1) During the time it was supposed to have happened, civilizations were flourishing in India, China, and Egypt. These civilizations were not affected by the flood and did not record such an event.
2) Collecting ALL the animals would have been an impossible task. At the time of Noah, the society of which he was a part, did not know of North America, South America, Australia, or anything of Europe north of Rome. To think that anyone from Noah's family traveled to North America to get skunks and bison, or to South America to get llamas and alpacas, or to Australia to get kangaroos or koalas is so utterly ludicrous that it is beyond ridicule.

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