Thursday, April 21, 2011

Biology, subdisciplines
Check out these Biology images:

The subdisciplines of biology


Image by Colin Purrington

I always get a kick out of the "divisions" into which departments are crammed at colleges and universities. I wish they were hierarchical and nested in some logical way, to acknowledge their inherent structure. Instead, we have tidy "humanities" and "biology", etc. as if they were really separate. But, in fact, no other organism on the planet aside from Homo sapiens is even remotely interested in the humanities -- it is unique to the natural history of our species. All things that humans do should therefore be crammed under the broader auspices of human biology.

Nothing is to scale, obviously. I know that some (probably) all of the subdisciplines of human biology should be overlapping, but that would make a real mess so I just skipped that aspect. I needed this slide to talk about how biology, based on evolution, helps explain a lot about how Homo sapiens constructs knowledge. And to make a claim that acceptance of evolution can give insight into all of these fields of "human" thought. E.g., when did religion evolve? When did art evolve (and in only humans?).

[This image is brought to you by the Axis of Evo. Please visit for more projects designed to spread appreciation of evolution and Charles Darwin.]

Biology Textbook


Image by Amin Tabrizi

I was in the library studying for my Physiology final exam which I'll be facing this Wednesday. This is my biology textbook which I was studying from.

Wish me luck!!!

Biology Lab


Image by euthman

Candace Keirns ('73) and Holly Byer ('74) ponder a procedure in a lab for a biology course. Both of these delightful women ended up in the northeast. Holly teaches in the Yonkers public schools, and Candace, now a physician, is at Mass General.

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